Jan 02, 2020
Is sender ID dynamic?
- No. Vietnam blocks non-registered Alphanumeric Sender IDs, shortcode and local numbers (in both domestic and MSISDN formats). So to ensure delivery, all sender ID will be converted to local numeric sender.
Is the DR reliable?
- Handset DR does not exist in Vietnam. All DR are submission DR, hence 'positive DLR' does not necessarily mean the message was received on the handset.
Is concatenated SMS supported in Vietnam?
- Yes. Long concatenated text messages are supported by the all main operators.
Can I register my sender ID?
- Vietnam Telcos require a valid Business Registration License from the local authorities in order to proceed with Sender ID registration, and the intended SMS content template needed to be registered together.
Important Notice:
Vietnam operators are doing heavy filtering on non-registered Sender IDs and contents. Therefore SMS contents may be modified, with brand names being removed/modifying some special characters such as "code"/adding random characters at front of the message body etc, to bypass the filtering and ensure delivery.
If you have further questions about this route, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].