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What is the fastest way to recover my subscribers' mobile number via Ginota?

Want to tighten your application’s security with 2 factor authentication but don’t know how? Worry on how to retrieve your customer’s number? Ginota Genuine SMS API is all you need.

Before get started with our guide, create a Ginota Account with us now!

Retrieves contact number via Ginota Genuine SMS API

Retrieving a MSISDN via Ginota Genuine SMS API is easy and simple. The following basic items are what you need:

  • Your Ginota Account
  • Your preferred web browser
  • Your API Credentials (can be obtained from Dashboard > Messaging after login to Ginota portal)

Your API Credentials

Quick Test using Your Genuine SMS API URL

Once login to Ginota portal, navigate to Message, you can obtain the Genuine SMS API URL (Next to your Restful API URL):

Your Genuine SMS API URL

This is a sample Ginota Genuine SMS API request which sends an email to the requested email address of the recipient.

Ginota Genuine SMS API email content

Once email is received, recipient is required to click on the ‘Register mobile number’ link and user will be prompt with a mobile number registration page on a browser.

Mobile number verification page

A valid mobile number is required to proceed with the next verification step where Ginota will be sending a One Time Password to it.

Recipient shall key in the Verification Code to have his/her mobile number authorized and at the same time saving the MSISDN into the database.

Ginota Genuine SMS APIverify mobile page

To perform a quick test with Ginota Genuine SMS API, you may copy and paste the API URL into the address box of your preferred browser and navigate. Once navigate, you should receive an email in seconds.

Form Your Own Ginota Genuine SMS API Request

You may create your own Ginota Genuine SMS API Request with all the items required.

  • Firstly, copy your Restful API URL into the address box of your browser:<Recipient_Email_Address>&sName=<Recipient_Name>

Once the Genuine SMS API URL is formed with your API credentials appended, you may start replacing the following parameters:

  • Replace <Recipient_Email_Address> with any valid email address of your friends or family.
    [email protected]
  • Replace <Recipient_Name> with any name of your friends or family. The recipient name must be URL-encoded. You may make use of this online URL encoder by providing your message body accordingly and click encode. Copy the encoded value and replace <Recipient_Name>:
URL Encoded SampleLanguageExpected Text Received
sName=Jessica+Anderson English Jessica Anderson
content=%e4%b8%ad%e6%96%87%e4%bf%a1%e6%81%af Chinese 中文信息
content=%e3%81%93%e3%82%93%e3%81%ab%e3%81%a1%e3%81%af Japanese こんにちは

This is how a standard Ginota Genuine SMS API request shall looks like:[email protected]&sName=Jessica+Anderson

Lastly, simply copy and paste this URL on to your browser and navigate there to send it out. The recipient should receive an email immediately!

Learn more

We are working hard to make it easier for developers to create simple and reliable communication (Genuine SMS API) used for their applications. Check out the following resources to enjoy all the capabilities of Ginota:

  • 32
  • 01-Jul-2015